

Refund Policy

If a CerberRad you try and reserve has already been taken, your XRD will be refunded soon (this is a manual process). If you do not see it contact us via Telegram. No refunds will be given if you loose access to your CERB token. This is your responsibility to keep safe. No refunds on change of mind.

Trading CerberRADS

Trading your CERBER token is not currently supported - trading it away from the address that reserved it may result in you being unable to claim your NFT when it launches.

A trading system will be released soon to enable trading CERBER tokens and updating the reservation list.


You may use your CerberRAD art in any way you like. We may also use it as part of our marketing or promotions. Unclaimed NFT’s lose the right to use the image. You may not re mint art on Radix or any other chain.

When you purchase a CerberRads, you agree that your purchase from that launch of the NFT is all you are guaranteed to receive. Any future benefits are ancillary to this purchase and not to be taken into consideration with your initial purchase. You agree that you are not relying on any future commitments by the CerberRads team in connection with making a purchase.

NFTS are not meant as investment vehicles. We make absolutely no promise or guarantee that this NFT will be worth anything more than what you deem it to be worth. You understand and agree that the CerberRadsNFTs have no inherent monetary value, and they should be treated as nothing more than a collectible with potential future value or lack thereof.

Reservations & the CERB token

True NFT's will not be available on Radix until the launch of Babylon in Q1 of 2023. You are reserving your NFT. Once smart contracts are released you will be able to exchange your reservation for a true NFT. The CERBER token is used to record your reservation on ledger. It can be viewed via the Radix Explorer.

Once Babylon launched, we will notify holders of the process to exchange your NFT. You will have 90 days to claim the NFT.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/CerberRADS

Telegram: https://t.me/CerberRADS